I have a Flow/Server running, where users access it via SAML authentication. Each user is then assigned to a role with appropriate permissions for a team user belongs to.
While users have fmeauthor permissions on Test environment, we have a requirement that users can get read only access on Prod env. With this jobs are run by a system account on the Prod. The challenge here is to find a way to let users be able to view "their" job logs, review configuration or perhaps validate generated data in FME_SHARED_RESOURCE_DIR .
Is there a way to configure role in a way so a user can view all jobs, job logs, automations, resources, etc.? For example: speaking about jobs - from what I can see I can either grant Jobs/Access permission (so user can see jobs ran by the user only) or Jobs/Manage (which grants too wide permissions for read only access).
Version: FME Server 2022.2.4, Build 22792 - linux-x64