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Maybe this is known behavior, but I noticed that when using the following dataset name in an Excel Feature writer in FME Server, that the expression was not evaluated correctly when using the Data Download or Data Streaming services.




Interestingly, it works fine in Desktop, and when using the Job Submitter service in Server.


Has anyone else encountered this type of issue?

Hi @pmcpherson​ ,


This is a known issue (FMESERVER-10821), we do not currently have plans to address this, however I have assigned this question to the issue so that you are updated if any changes are made in future.


As a workaround, please create the Excel filename as an attribute in an AttributeCreator/Manager first e.g.


New Attribute = filename

Attribute Value = testfilename_@DateTimeFormat(@DateTimeNow(),%Y%m%d).xlsx


Then specify this new attribute in the Feature Writer Dataset parameter.

I will give that workaround a try. Thanks Holly!
