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We are getting ready to start using AD authentication with FME Server, so when a user changes their AD password, do they need to manually update it in the FME Server connection, or does that synch somehow with Active Directory ?

When you setup active directory on FME Server, in the Optional fields there's a checkbox for enable synchronization, and you specify the interval. You can also force a synchronization at any time.

as @jdh​ mentioned, FME Server has the option to sync. However if you're talking about the connection between desktop and Server and your users have their username and password stored, then when the AD account credentials change, the user will need to manually update their connection.



Screenshot 2020-11-19 074705 

as @jdh​ mentioned, FME Server has the option to sync. However if you're talking about the connection between desktop and Server and your users have their username and password stored, then when the AD account credentials change, the user will need to manually update their connection.



Screenshot 2020-11-19 074705 

Been a while, but let me clarify. So the FME Server connection used in FME desktop is stored in a local connection store file, so that will need manual updating when a AD password is changed.


But for the logging into the FME Server web user interface and any FME Server connections (web connections) using a users AD account uplaoded into FME Server, will the passwords for those be synched when a user changes their password?


Does the Synch option need to be turned on to synch password changes, or does that do something else ?


