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Ziparchiver fails to read the target folder;


Hi All,

I tried to use ziparchiver transformer to zip a folder that contain shapefile but It seams that it is not working as I expected


For example, I have a workbench that convert a dwg file to shapefile and I want to zip the folder that contain that shapefile with all component but ziparchiver fails to take the target folder

What might be the issue here?

Any advice please






Hi @lubna_najeh,



You can set the shapefile writer to zip the dataset in the writer parameters.


Hi @lubna_najeh,

1. You cannot enter a folder path directly into the Target File or Folder parameter field, but if you store the folder path in a feature attribute beforehand, then you can set the attribute to the parameter.

2. The Shapefile dataset has to exist when the PATH reader runs, but I don't think the Shapefile dataset has been created yet, since the Shapefile writer wouldn't run before the PATH reader in your workspace configuration. Consider using a FeatureWriter to write the destination Shapefile dataset then archive the resulting dataset.

3. Further, most file/folder-based format readers including Shapefile can zip the destination dataset. It may not be essential to use the ZipArchiver.

Hope this helps.
