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Writing multiple Excel files to a single workbook with a seperate sheet for each xlsx file using a template

  • 24 January 2024
  • 3 replies

So I have a collection of excel files that I wish to write out to a single excel file. Wehn consolidating I need a seperate sheet for each excel file read, but want to use a template to style each sheet in the same way. When I do this the first sheet written is formatted correctly, but all subsequent sheets written do not have the sheet style of the first (it's just raw output).


I've attached the writer parameters and properties, is there anything I should change to get this to work or is this just not an option?


Oops sorry forgot to mention this is in FME Flow 2023.1.1.1 (actually it's the Data Interoperability Extension for ArcGIS, working on getting a proper licence!) in Windows 10 x64 edition.

I did try and think works? See attached sample.


I did try and think works? See attached sample.


Hi there, yeah yours seems to work with your data but the moment I substitute with my data and template (without changing other parameters) it reverts back to not working? Effectively the template is a QA form that I want it to fill out for me, so I need to use update instead of insert and just populate the 2 columns (D and E in this case) from whatever is in the original file. First one works fine but second is still unformated (see screenshots).


Also, for some reason, I also get an additional tab called Data_Checks__fme_template_sheet?

Hi there, yeah yours seems to work with your data but the moment I substitute with my data and template (without changing other parameters) it reverts back to not working? Effectively the template is a QA form that I want it to fill out for me, so I need to use update instead of insert and just populate the 2 columns (D and E in this case) from whatever is in the original file. First one works fine but second is still unformated (see screenshots).


Also, for some reason, I also get an additional tab called Data_Checks__fme_template_sheet?

If I only change insert to update it still seems to work. It is always hard to try and reproduce without data. Maybe try change one thing at a time.
