I have a script that was written for us by a consultant and it’s very intensive. The FeatureReaders are pointing to a connection file to read our SDE, as well as some file geodatabases that are stored locally on the server. The script uses a WorkspaceRunner to access a child script to then do some calculations. However, when I run this from FME desktop on our server, it never completes. It doesn’t throw an error, but it just gets hung up at the WorkspaceRunner. If I try again, the same thing will happen. There’s no common point in the script where this happens. It’s very random.
I’ve also attempted to run this script from my desktop, and it works. It’s very very slow, but it does work. However, we need to be able to run this from our server, not my desktop.
Any ideas on what I should be looking for in our Server environment? Our server has much more resources than my desktop, so I’m surprised it’s not working – so I must be missing something. Any leads on this would be greatly appreciated!