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What's Up Wednesday: FME News for the Week Ending 8-January-2021

  • January 6, 2021
  • 1 reply


Welcome to the first edition of What’s Up Wednesday for 2021. Hopefully, you had a chance to participate or check out the Twelve Days of FME Challenge over the holidays. 


Upcoming Training

On January 13 & 14, the Integrating your Data with the FME Platform course will be presented online for free. Tune it to work through exercises in a virtual machine and ask questions to the live instructor. Then on February 17th, we will be presenting our Getting Started with the FME Platform course. Interested in more comprehensive or advanced courses using FME? Check out all of the courses offered by our Partners


Upcoming Webinars

Want to learn how we migrated our entire community from one platform to another using FME? Check out our migration webinar on January 13th. Interested in data integration and/or business trends, check out Don & Dales’ predictions for 2021 with an extended Q&A where you can ask your burning data integration questions, the webinar will be presented on January 20th. 


FME Hub Round-up for December 2020

There was lots uploaded to the FME Hub in December, here are some of the highlights:

  • Microsoft Graph Web Connection: Provides access to Microsoft Graph API via OAuth 2.0. This allows you to interact with the Microsoft Graph REST API via an HTTPCaller.
  • Strava Web Connection: This allows you to connect and interact with the Strava API. Strava is a website and mobile app used to track athletic activity via GPS. 
  • SigFigRounder: The SigFigRounder transformer rounds off attributes with numeric values to a user-selected number of significant figures.


Home Licenses

Is it your New Year’s Resolution to play with FME more and come up with some crazy projects like Dmitri? Get a free home use license. Check out some of our other free licenses that you might qualify for. 


Knowledge Content Revamp

Starting next week, we’ll be doing a huge push to update existing content and write new content to fill in any gaps. Have your say in what needs to be updated or written at


Social Media 

Did you know we have Instagram? Suzanne is one of our newly hired Safers who is behind all of our social media accounts. Make sure you stop by and say hello! 


Work for Safe Software

Speaking of new hires, we are hiring, check it out. 


Everything OGC

Do you work with OGC data? We’ve put together a landing page where you can find all of the resources we have on OGC including articles, documentation, webinars, and blogs.

1 reply


Home Licenses for the little people


This is why I love FME and have been a devout acolyte for nearly 20 years.


Thank you for all you do!


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