As part of an application I am developping, I am using the FME Flow API to submit a job asynchronously (using the webservice POST /transformations/submit/< repository >/< workspace >).
I have also created a specific webservice used in the workspace runned on FME Flow so it can communicate specific information about the result of the workspace to my application.
I would like to know if there is a way to use the jobid returned in the response body of webservice POST /transformations/submit/< repository >/< workspace > in my workspace so that it can be passed as a user parameter in the HTTPCaller used to call the webservice I have developped.
It would be very usefull for me so that I could create a link between the job sumitted on FME Flow and the information it sends back to my application using the webservice I have developped.
I remain at your disposal for any additional information.
Best regards,