1. Divide the flow in 2 processes
2. In flow-1, place LineJoiner
3. In flow-2, place Snipper with Snipping mode as "Distance (Percentage)" with Starting and Ending location as "50" such that point will be created at mid-point of the each line
4. Use SpatialRelator with
a. Requestor as data from LineJoiner (From Step2)
b. Supplier as data from Snipper (From Step3)
5. Place a Tester with condition as "_related_candidates" = "1"
6. Add ListConcatenator for Tester-failed port with _relationships{}.<<User attribute name>>
7. Connect the Tester-Passed port and ListConcatenator output to writer
Screenshot is placed below for better understanding
Hi Pratap, :)
Thank you for the quick respose... I had tried mid point way. To explain the desired output further...
A-B-C-D are the original line segments. A-D would be the joined line between intersections, which needs to incorporate all the name attribute, I've just given a random example here. Then when I try the SpatialRelator it shows 'snm' as the value (I guess due to the Curve Boundary Rule) for all the individual segments, instead of snm, dnm, snm.
May be you have ignored the last transformer named "ListConcatenator"