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I used FeatureJoiner to merge a Spatial and non-spatial records using a common value (grid_id).


I use a Tester to select a scenario ie date is 2000, 2030, 2040, etc.

I then use a StringConcaternator to add a value to a cell (overwrite cell value), the cell for 2000 will be 0 -5.


I also have a Tester for 2030 (2C), 2030 (4C), 2040 (2C), 2040 (4C), etc.


The records in the FeatureHolder, should all be written to a single row.

Instead I have a row per date/scenario??


For 2000 I have the following data.


The output is written over n rows, not a single row??


How do I append records into a single row??

Any suggestions are appreciated.




To get from your last image to a single row, use an Aggregator with a group by on your grid_id, set Accumulation Mode - merge incoming attributes

To get from your last image to a single row, use an Aggregator with a group by on your grid_id, set Accumulation Mode - merge incoming attributes


Thanks forgot about the Aggregator, that concatenated the records into a single row.
