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I have also a folder with many features shp .

My goal ist to make at once a loop that for each features in the folder , i want to transforme in cad format , and eah feature will be store in differentes folders with the same name (the name oft he feature)


Hi @kientegadesire4​ 

You can use the option File - New - Generate Workspace and enter with informations Reader and Writer:


For generate file each name, you can configure in the Writer - option fanout:



Thanks in Advance,


For the sake of completion, I'm posting my answer from another question, which I think applies here:


This webinar may help to explain looping in the context of FME:


The important part is that you don't need a loop here. In fact, very few FME operations need a loop; you could say that they sort of have looping built-in. The webinar explains how it all works.
