As shown in the drawing, I would like to have another curve parallel (2) that goes through 2 points at the same distance each from the original.
The whole problem is that everything is in 3D.
The distance between the new points and the curve is unknown. I have the shape of the curve and the point location but transformers like LengthToPointCalculator are not working as I lack informations.
So i would like to know how to calculate the distance bewteen a point and a curve in 3D. Note that the curve can have any shape.
And also, the OffsetCurveGenerator is only 2D, and does not work with a 3D length in my case
I thought about getting the distance in 2D which I don't know once again how to obtain, use an OffsetCurveGenerator and then force it in 3D, but the elevation changes between the beginning and the end of the curve, so a 3DForcer does not work, I think.
Has anyone an idea on how to solve it ?
Thanks in advance