I observed some issue by when executing workbench, I used following software and version mentioned below:
ArcPro Version – 2.9.0
Python Version -- 2.9
FME Workbench – 2021.1.3.0
I need some help on this.
I observed some issue by when executing workbench, I used following software and version mentioned below:
ArcPro Version – 2.9.0
Python Version -- 2.9
FME Workbench – 2021.1.3.0
I need some help on this.
@anurag would you be able to share some more information on what you're trying to achieve with your python script?
Is this setup in a pythoncaller or a startup/shutdown script? If you're able to provide the python script (with confidential information removed) or a snippet of your log file where it's failing (line 32), that would help us troubleshoot the issue further.
@anurag would you be able to share some more information on what you're trying to achieve with your python script?
Is this setup in a pythoncaller or a startup/shutdown script? If you're able to provide the python script (with confidential information removed) or a snippet of your log file where it's failing (line 32), that would help us troubleshoot the issue further.
Thanks for your reply @danminneyatsaf !!
Please see the script what I am trying to execute
@anurag can you run the same pt.UtilityNetworkToAssetPackage() function in another IDE? If you're not able to run the same function in another IDE, then I would recommend reaching out to Esri as that would fall under their realm of expertise. If you're finding that the issue only occurs in FME, then I suggest looking into submitting a support case - https://community.safe.com/s/submit-case
Looking at the community forums elsewhere, this thread might provide some insight into what's causing your issue: https://community.esri.com/t5/electric-questions/error-module-arcpy-has-no-attribute-pt-when/m-p/563141/highlight/true#M480
In the thread above they used arcpy.StageUtilityNetwork_pt() instead of arcpy.pt.StageUtilityNetwork(). Not sure if trying arcpy.UtilityNetworkToAssetPackage_pt() would work instead (I'm certainly no Python expert myself so you probably have a better idea).
danminneyatsafe (Safer), I tried pt.UtilityNetworkToAssetPackage() in ArcGIS Python environment but that is not working. I am looking this issue first, once it is resolve then will look in FME side.
Check the docs at esri: Export Asset Package (Utility Network Package)—Utility Network Package toolbox | Documentation (arcgis.com)
arcpy.untools.UtilityNetworkToAssetPackage(in_utility_network, domain_networks, {export_options}, {include_data}, output_name, output_folder)