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I'm using FME2012 to create IGDS V7 symbols, from a resource file (.rsc), for example, font 85 OCT032 50 feet by 50 feet.  UORS / FT= 381



The output range block is not correct in MicroStation.  The y-extent is fine, but the x-extent is about 30% too short.     I believe this is causing FME not to calculate the correct lower-left origin of the symbol from the insertion point.



Text-nodes (type 7) appear to have the correct range block and so do "normal" text strings, type 17, font=0.    It appears that the symbols are the only things with a screwy range block.



Anyone know how FME does symbols?  Tips, tricks, suggestions for getting the right output?






In the case of some CAD formats, there are specific styling transformers that handle symbology.


For Bently products the DGNStyler has a range of parameters concerning symbology.



Hope this helps.
No luck with DGNStyler.  It doesn't do anything with text.
How about the text adder? if configured correctly the proper text size can calculated  in the transformer or taken form the parsed data.
No luck with TextAdder either.  It appears to be in the IGDS 7 writer.
