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How does fanout work for dwg files with FeatureWriter in FME Server.


Hundreds of postgis tables are read in my workspace with Feature Reader and they should be written as DWG files by object category.


The process works as desired on Workbench. Separate dwg-files from each table with the desired filenames ja layer names will come out.

Output_with_WorkcbenchBut when I publish my workspace on the FME server, in download zip everything comes out in one and the same file with all feature types on its own layers and filename with a generically generated filename. When publishing, you can only specify the folder path.


I would want to use FeatureWriters because I don't wanna create a hundred writers with few transformers each.

Hi @olli​, from what I can see, you are using fanout in the feature writer correctly; there isn't a fanout parameter like other writers, but you can specify the expression in the Dataset as you've done.

On FME Server the data download service will always give the user a link to download a .zip file with the file(s) created by the translation. So using your screenshot as an example, you would receive two .dwg files within the zip. Are you saying you're only getting one .dwg file with all the features? Can you share which version of FME you're using?


Result from Data Download is a dwg-file with same file name as zip-file. Used FME Server version is 2021.0.2 Build 21321 - win64 (FME Desktop version is the same). So fanout in Dataset expression doesn't work with the same way.



Hi @olli​ this is not expected behavior. The data download service should always produce a .zip file. I don't have 2021.0.2 installed at the moment, but I tested on FME Server 2021.0 and crashed the server job for data download. It didn't like the Substring function in the Dataset expression; when I removed that function it worked. Can you please try removing the Substring function, so just use an expression of C:\\temp\\@Value(fme_feature_type).dwg and see if it works on FME Server with the data download service?

That works and of course it produce zip-file. I couldn't still figure out how to use the parameter to modify the dataset name the same as the level set for the feature type inside FeatureWritter.


Hello @olli​, unfortunately, this appears to be an issue with the data download service on FME Server and functions in the dataset field of the FeatureWriter, so you will not be able to solve your problem that way.


As a workaround, you can use a string function in an AttributeCreator or AttributeManager instead, and then in the FeatureWriter, do a feature type fanout AND a dataset fanout on the fme_feature_type.

