I have have a set of polygons (actually they are buffers of a point) and I want to buffer these again to leave a ring - just keeping the buffer outside the original polygon. I can do this easily in arc/arcpy by using the buffer type "OUTSIDE_ONLY". How can I get the same effect using FME? I have created the buffers but when I use the clipper to clip one out of the other it clips all the overlapping buffers (which is what I expected) but I can't seem to figure out how to get the result I would like. I feel like I need to split each of the the buffer datasets so that it does the clip on each pair of polygons separately but - I'm new-ish to FME so.... Can't seem to find anything to help online either.
This is what I have - the attribute managers are just to fill in an attribute so I can put the two buffers back together in one layer and be able to identify which polygon is which type.
This is what I would like to end up with:
Not this: