Hi @martinmel ,
In my experience, extended data in a DWG is only possible on a block. I have never been able to output lines or polygons with extended data, from FME or directly in AutoCAD. If I am wrong, perhaps another community member can educate both of us, but I've never got this to work.
Hi @drc43 ,
thank you for your quick reply.
Unfortunately, it doesn't help me any further: you can assign attributes to a block.
But that's not my job.
I want to assign extended data to a polyline.
These can be queried in ACAD using the "XDATA" command and look like this, for example:
* Registered Application Name: DCO15
* Code 1071, 32-bit signed long integer: 1
* Code 1071, 32-bit signed long integer: 1
* Code 1000, ASCII string: G10_KEY
* Code 1004, Binary data not printed.
When I read a DWG with objects including xdata, I use the format attribute "autocad_extended_data_list {}" and can write the objects to a new DWG without data loss.
But now I have a DGN without XDATA.
When writing the DWG, I want to assign XDATA to the objects. My attempts with the AttributeCreater all failed.