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I'm converting a ESRI gdb (of 21 layers) to shp with FME Desktop. Seventeen of the layers contain map objects - they're all good. But four layers do not contain map objects (2 x points, 2 x polys).

For a very good reason, that I won't go into detail about here, I need to force at least one map object into those four empty shp datasets (a point into the point layers, a polygon into the polygon layers). The point can be in a random location, or one I specify. The polygons can be absolutely tiny. The values can be null.

Is this possible within a FME workflow?

Certainly! With a Creator you can create a dummy feature with a geometry, and some attributes if you want.

If you know beforehand which layers contain no data, you can connect the Creator directly to a Writer.

If you want more flexibility, you can check any data stream for no features. Look at FeatureDetector, NoFeaturesTester, or NoFeaturesReplacer (and there may be other useful transformers).


Thanks for that, Geomancer.
