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My desktop administrator has installed the FME on the PC with Esri ArcGIS desktop. I'm not the administrator of the PC. After FME desktop installed, the FME Data Interoperability is listed in the Esri ArcGIS desktop extension for the administrator. When I login, my ArcGIS extension list doesn't include the FME data Interoperability. I'm not the administrator on the PC. Thus I don't have right to install any software. How can I use the FME Data Interoperability installed by the administrator in the ArcGIS desktop? Thanks in advance.


I believe this is a question for the ESRI forum, not for the FME knowledge board as the Data Interop extension is an ESRI product.

OK. thanks for the prompting answer. I will contact Esri.

Maybe also have a look at this article:

Thanks David. Very helpful. I am in the middle of Esri and FME struggling. Your post is very useful.

