Hi, I am getting a fatal error when I use a shapefile reader and an sqlserver writer. I am simply trying to create a new table in an existing sqlserver database. The projection is LL84 in the shapefile. I can select the database in the writer, so I know there is a connection. Any advice welcome. thanks, Here is some of the log file: TABLE SDF_2_Schema.[SHIM_STREAMS_line] ([Name] varchar(254), [Url] varchar(254), [Key] varchar(254), [Autogenera] integer, [geom] geometry)'. Provider error `(2760) The specified schema name "SDF_2_Schema" either does not exist or you do not have permission to use it.'
2021-02-14 14:15:26| 1.1| 0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to create the destination table for feature type `SDF_2_Schema.SHIM_STREAMS_line'
2021-02-14 14:15:26| 1.1| 0.0|ERROR |MSSQL_SPATIAL writer: A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details
2021-02-14 14:15:26| 1.1| 0.0|ERROR |auto __cdecl DynaWriteChannel::putFeature::<lambda_de445ec4033891b5977d661108460104>::operator ()(void) const(C:\\code\\fme\\foundation\\pluginbuilder\\pluginbuilder_cpp\\dynawch.cpp:125) - auto __cdecl DynaWriteChannel::putFeature::<lambda_de445ec4033891b5977d661108460104>::operator ()(void) const(C:\\code\\fme\\foundation\\pluginbuilder\\pluginbuilder_cpp\\dynawch.cpp:125)