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I used this instruction to create a web connection to our ArcGIS Portal:


There is no problem using the ArcGIS Portal reader for reading the branched enabled service. The problem is when I try to use the ArcGIS Portal writer to write to the same service. I get the following error:

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was 'none' and the message was: 'The operation is not supported by this implementation.'. Details: ''

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Reconciling Branch Version 'sde.DEFAULT' against 'sde.DEFAULT'

ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was 'none' and the message was: 'Unexpected operation'. Details: ''

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

... Last line repeated 2 times ...


What could be the problem?


@john_esk​ It looks like you have Reconcile = Yes but you are writing to the sde.DEFAULT- so the writer is trying to reconcile sde.DEFAULT to sde.DEFAULT. Try setting Reconcile = No in the writer parameters, or even perhaps just toggle Branch Versioning OFF.


@john_esk​ It looks like you have Reconcile = Yes but you are writing to the sde.DEFAULT- so the writer is trying to reconcile sde.DEFAULT to sde.DEFAULT. Try setting Reconcile = No in the writer parameters, or even perhaps just toggle Branch Versioning OFF.


Thank you! Setting Branch Versioning OFF did the trick!
