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I have a folder containing over 200 xyz-files. Each xyz-file contains hundrets or thousands of point coordinates. So it is basically a text-file in the xyz-format. There are no other specififactions in the files, so only the coordinates.

I would like to convert each xyz-file into a mesh-file (like fbx or obj). It shoud have the best quality and use the least amound of disc-space.

I am looking for a way to automate the conversion. So when I click "run" over 200 fbx-files (or obj-files) are created with only one click. Down below, you can see a screenshot of the xyz-file. There are no headlines, that indicate which number is the x, y or z coordinate, but I am assuming it is in the order as the filename suggests.


I thank you very much for your help in advance!




Add all your files as Single Merged Feature Type, go to Parameters, uncheck File Has Field Names, set the Components to x, y and z, click OK and OK to add them.

Use the PointCloudSurfaceBuilder to generate your mesh and chose the writer of your choice.
