Hello i want to change the Columnames based on the first value.
Column: A
first Value: Dog
newColumname: Animal
Hello i want to change the Columnames based on the first value.
Column: A
first Value: Dog
newColumname: Animal
Do you have a list of criteria? I.e. a list of values for column A that would result in it being renamed to Animal.
Do you have a list of criteria? I.e. a list of values for column A that would result in it being renamed to Animal.
the criteria would be the first value. So check all columns if it has "dog" as the first value. If yes then rename the column to Animal.
I have two different Date columns so the dates could be same in both columns but in the first row they have different values so i know the column with the 12.03.2020 is Date_A and the other column with 14.02.1990 is Date_B
the criteria would be the first value. So check all columns if it has "dog" as the first value. If yes then rename the column to Animal.
I have two different Date columns so the dates could be same in both columns but in the first row they have different values so i know the column with the 12.03.2020 is Date_A and the other column with 14.02.1990 is Date_B
Yes, it's possible.
I've attached this as a template. Note that if you want to support different animals you should edit the TestFilter.