We have a number of workspaces developed in older versions of FME that use various database connection parameters (e.g. database name, username, password etc). In some of these workspaces we do post processing (e.g. building indexes), usually via shutdown python scripts or pythoncallers and access these parameters in python using FME macro values.
I've tried running one of these workspaces today in FME 2021 (2021.0.2 - build 21321) and the python scripts no longer seem to be able to access the "password" parameters and python reports a KeyError.
If I try to test by creating a new pythoncaller in the workspace, I cannot see the "password" parameters in the list of user parameters, so I assume this may be a deliberate change?
Any ideas if this is a bug or a deliberate change by Safe in FME 2021? I can't find any info on that change, so if it's deliberate, it would have been nice to know about this so we could update our workspaces.