
Why do we get a “Disk Usage” Alert (100%) when the Instance Summary shows only 56% of Primary Disk are used?

  • 8 February 2023
  • 2 replies

Badge +2

We have a Standard FME Cloud Instance. After it starts running (scheduled) we get a Disk Usage Alert saying the Disk is 100% full. But the Instance Summary shows only 56% of Primary Disk are used (7.7 of 14 GB). The Monitor shows the Primary Disk usage never was more than 56%.

Why do we get an Alert? What is a possibly the reason of the inconsistency? Is there a possibility to see what is using which disk space and get the size of each directory?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

I'm not sure if it's related, but I got one last night as well. Plenty of disk space remaining, no big job running around the time the alert was triggered.

Badge +1

There was an issue with our monitoring software which caused disk usage alerts to trigger in error. All alerts should now have resolved. Please let us know if you see this again
