Hello everyone,
I'm looking for recommendations for a low-code front-end solution to display data transformations from the FME Cloud. The front-end needs to be able to display graphs, as well as linked GLTF and JSON files, with the best-case scenario being the ability to interact with 3D models.
I am aware of the option to use Esri, but I am looking for other, more independent and cost-effective technologies. Can anyone recommend any low-code or no-code front-end solutions that would be a good fit for this use case?
The FME Server Apps are great and simple to get the user to upload data. But at the moment I have an Html that returns information, with javascript graphs. But this is quite a static approach and I would like to be able to send the data to a databank and then just display the data for the user and let them make simple alterations. I know my around FME, but have very little or no experience with front-end development. I am just curious if there are solutions, without doing a deep dive into Full Stack development!😅
I have looked at bubble.io and Google AppSheet as potential app builders.
Thank you in advance for your suggestions!