I am trying to load a kml as layer and I am thinking I need to wait for a response before adding the layer, here is the code.
var workspace = "https://production-tgs.fmecloud.com/fmedatastreaming/DataProcessing/Field_Data_ETL_v4_TEST.fmw?_csvfile=%24(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_SYSTEM)%2Ftemp%2Fupload%2FDataProcessing%2F1802007-020818-JS(TGS_Export_v2).csv&_afe=1234567&_srid=12345&_client=Anadarko&_projectname=test&_date_range=032818&_company_ownership=test&_pl_system=&_pl_subsystem=&_ab_status=y&_dest_coordinate_system=LL-83&_src_coordinate_system=TX83-CF&DestDataset;_OGCKML=C%3A%5CUsers%5CChris%5CDesktop%5CTemp%5Ctest.kml";
// Create the ArcGIS Layer and display on the map
layer = new KMLLayer( workspace );
map.addLayer( layer, 1000 );
layer.on( "load", function() {
I get the error
"File not found. Wrong url or out of memory." in console.
If I run the url in browser for the streaming service the kml comes back.