Hello everyone,
I'm using the paramiko and scp python libraries in a pythoncaller to transfer files from my local environment to a remote Linux server. When testing locally I received an import error which I could solve by removing all contents of C:\\Users\\<user>\\Documents\\FME\\Plugins\\Python and reinstalling paramiko and scp.
However, when I transferred the contents to the Plugin folder on my FME Server instance, managed by FME Cloud, I received the same import error I previously received on FME Desktop even though the Plugin folder on FME Server was empty to start with.
The import error I receive is formatted like this: Python Exception <ImportError>: cannot import name '_bycript' from partially initialized module 'bcrypt' (most likely due to a circular import) (/data/fmeserver/resources/engine/Plugins/Python/bcrypt).
The following python code is the source of the import error:
import paramiko
from scp import SCPClient
I noticed that the importerror might be related to the FME Version I am using. Both Desktop and Server are version 2021.2.5.0 Build 21816 WIN64. Locally It worked on an older version (2020.2.0.0 Build 20787 WIN64) before I reinstalled paramiko and scp to make it work on the 2021.2.5 version.
Thank you in advance for all the help.