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Hello! I need convert many xyz files to raster. I use ImageRasterizer, but i can´t to get z value. Allways the transformer get fme_color and return an error: "No valid input feature.". Other information message says:"16 input features where discarded because they were not compatible with any band in the raster. Bands with a numeric interpretation requiere vector input features that have Z coordinates." I don´t know how configure this transformer for it do this numeric interpretation or which another transformer i can use for this job. Thank you very much to all the community.



Have you had a look at this example? could be of some use to you.



Hi Itay, thank you very much for you quickly answer. I tried to work with this transformer but i received this error message: "Surface Model cannot be constructed. Either all points are linear or initial set of point did not consist of 3 non NAN elevations" Thank you very much again!



The eroor is initiated by  invalid features (previous error : "Bands with a numeric interpretation requiere vector input features that have Z coordinates.



I would check to make sure all XYZ points are 3D (e.i. have Z )



I did something like that, but to turn Textobjects into tiff's. ()text=>stroke) Using the imagerasterizer.



The trick then is to set colors. Using the colorsetter. C


Color or z-values are needed.


(U can set fme_color using colorsetter.)



So if u are using numeric intepretation, your object must be 3D, in your case points. (i assume you know you must feed it geometric objects..)


I think if u used a 2dpointreplacer to create 2dpoints form your x,y,z files, some z value in the tabel might be empty.


So some points must be missing a z-value, test for empty values prior to sending them to the Rasterizer.


Also the value for some appear to be out of bound of the chosen intperetation. Did you choose intepretation correctly for your purpose?


If you read the XYZ with the XYZ reader, there is no need to recreate the points with a 2DpointReplacer, the reader will do it for you, after that its a simple matter of testing for the Z value.
Thank you very much for your answer! I'm resolving this question with the NumericRasterizer transformer . I have problems with the output file name, because i can´t set then same name with the input file name. Best regards and than you very much at all!  
