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I'm totally new to FME and learning from scratch and I've already did some coordinate system transformations (fomr xls to xls and dwg to dwg), but now I'm trying to transform a list of point from an excel file(name, x coordinate, y coordinate) into a dwg with a dwg template for the point name.

Now the points creation is easy but the problem is with point name that should be as a "block reference", just like the one in the template.

I'm not even sure if it DWGStyler is the right choice.

Can anyone help me out?




Hi @mp7,

Thanks for posting your question and welcome to FME! I noticed some similar questions in the Q&A; Forum with answers that I think might be helpful for you:
I think this article on Using the DWGStyler, template files, blocks, and more might also be a good resource if you're new and interested in AutoCAD Transformations.

Hello Jovita,

Thx for your reply.

Indeed the first link you're suggesting - I was reading it yesterday :)

The problem is I need the point names appear exactly as they are in the template - as a block reference, not as a plain text/mtext. Since I don't have any experience in FME I don't know if it's even possible to do it like I want it. I'm still trying...

Hello Jovita,

Thx for your reply.

Indeed the first link you're suggesting - I was reading it yesterday :)

The problem is I need the point names appear exactly as they are in the template - as a block reference, not as a plain text/mtext. Since I don't have any experience in FME I don't know if it's even possible to do it like I want it. I'm still trying...

@mp7, I'm glad you're already looking through the Knowledge Base for answers, it's a really good source of information.



By point name, are you referring to the point number label (ID-elementa: 135)? I noticed that the block instance SRVPNO2 in your template file only contains a number by the user's input, and no point. Are you wanting to write out the entire drawing in your screenshot (circle and number), or just the ID-elementa number where the point is?



Not sure if you've already tried Example four: Using the DWGStyler to create blocks (with a template file), (it's near the bottom of the page) but it also contains a template workspace example4 that does what I think you're trying to do. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.



@mp7, I'm glad you're already looking through the Knowledge Base for answers, it's a really good source of information.



By point name, are you referring to the point number label (ID-elementa: 135)? I noticed that the block instance SRVPNO2 in your template file only contains a number by the user's input, and no point. Are you wanting to write out the entire drawing in your screenshot (circle and number), or just the ID-elementa number where the point is?



Not sure if you've already tried Example four: Using the DWGStyler to create blocks (with a template file), (it's near the bottom of the page) but it also contains a template workspace example4 that does what I think you're trying to do. Please correct me if I'm wrong though.



Hello again @JovitaAtSafe ,


Yap I've tried that example as well, that same example 4, but it
doesn't work with my example. I mean it would work but in that example
the names of the blocks are inserted as simple text which is not my


In my case we have a block reference, I like to use it because when
you move that number with it's grip point, the other grip point remains
always at the same place, therefore when you do an extraction in autocad
the coordinates always remain the same, no matter where you moved that


The circle is only a representation of the point(one of the many you can choose in autocad).


As you can see in my case I've already worked out the point insertion with VertecCreator, that's the easy part :)



Hello again @JovitaAtSafe ,


Yap I've tried that example as well, that same example 4, but it
doesn't work with my example. I mean it would work but in that example
the names of the blocks are inserted as simple text which is not my


In my case we have a block reference, I like to use it because when
you move that number with it's grip point, the other grip point remains
always at the same place, therefore when you do an extraction in autocad
the coordinates always remain the same, no matter where you moved that


The circle is only a representation of the point(one of the many you can choose in autocad).


As you can see in my case I've already worked out the point insertion with VertecCreator, that's the easy part :)



@mp7, that's really clever creating a block with two grips, I've not seen that in CAD before. I'm not entirely sure right now if it's possible to write out each point name (label) as a block reference while retaining the two grips, but I will check in with a colleague (on Monday when they're back) who is more experienced in autocad than I am and check back in.



Sorry I couldn't be of more help for now. In the meantime, perhaps our other FME users will have some ideas...
@mp7, that's really clever creating a block with two grips, I've not seen that in CAD before. I'm not entirely sure right now if it's possible to write out each point name (label) as a block reference while retaining the two grips, but I will check in with a colleague (on Monday when they're back) who is more experienced in autocad than I am and check back in.



Sorry I couldn't be of more help for now. In the meantime, perhaps our other FME users will have some ideas...
Hey Jovita,



no probs, I appreciate any kind of suggestions! I highly appreciate your willingness to help.


And yes about the "clever" part, I can't take any credit for that as that style is from a Stonex GNSS receiver, also almost the same block/block reference combination is used when you explode/convert an AutoCad CIvil 3D COGO point to autocad block in Civil.






Hey Jovita,



no probs, I appreciate any kind of suggestions! I highly appreciate your willingness to help.


And yes about the "clever" part, I can't take any credit for that as that style is from a Stonex GNSS receiver, also almost the same block/block reference combination is used when you explode/convert an AutoCad CIvil 3D COGO point to autocad block in Civil.






Hi @mp7, no problem. I checked in with our CAD expert and got a few tips. You can create blocks in FME by creating aggregates, and then setting the autocad_blockname attribute to IDelementa using the AttributeManager. However it doesn't sound like there's a way to manage the grip points if they're not writing out using the template. Try using one of the different writers perhaps (DWG, RealDWG, Map3D). Please do share your method if you find a way around it though.





- Jovita


Dear Jovita,

thank a bunch I will give it a try !


