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Hello all



I have had it  several times, that i cannot write to Oracle Spatial DB apparently correct (at least by GeometryValidator Transformer) geometries. I can write these geometries with other writers (i tested ESRI shapes and ESRI geodatabase). I know that oracle has his own strict geometry validation rules.



Strange enough, the ORA-Error echoed back (ORA 20263) is not a common error found here for example:



Is there a way to check before the insert, if a geometry is valid (in strict Oracle DB terms). Or is there a parameter within the writer that can catch the Ora-Error, skip the geometry, and continue the process of writing with the other pending geometries?



I'm working with FME Desktop 2013 (20130124), DB is Oracle Spatial



Yes, you guessed right, english is not my native language.



I appreciate your help. 









Hi Bernard,



I cannot think of a way to do it 'on the fly' as you require (maybe sombody else can ?)


A possible workaround (didnt try it myself and not very elegant I admit) would be to insert the data to oracle (where no geom validation takes place), preform oracle validation on it (sdo_geom.validate_geometry_with_context) and select only the features that pass the validation to write.







Hi Itay



Thanks for your reply.


I think I have to go that way. I found out in the meantime, that it is a BEFORE INSERT Trigger, that causes the mentioned ORA-Error. I will disable this trigger.





Hi Bernard,



Yes, disabling/enabling triggers and constraints can also be a way to avoid these errors.


