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When trying to WRITE with the Esri Geodatabase (File Geodatabase API) to an existing file I get the following error:



Geodatabase Error (-2147024891): Access denied.


FileGDB Writer: A feature could not be written.



Some issues:



1. The workspace does not FAIL, but completes.Even though the writer gives this error. There is no option on this writer to IGNORE FAILED WRITES: NO


2. Why is access denied? I have created a completely new FileGDB from within FME and I am trying to update this.


Access could be denied if you're writing to a location of which you have insufficient permissions. Try temporarily writing to your Desktop.



It may also be a feature-based problem. Set up a Creator and define a simple supported geometry and write only that feature to a new GDB file. Do you still get Access Denied? If so, it is not a feature-related issue.



I'd also check that you are writing to a .gdb file. If you were trying to write to a folder, FME may not let you do this.
