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We are using FME to export some graphic geometry objects to microstation format. We are successful in writing simple text elements(single line text) using "igds_type = igds_text". But we have some multi text elements to be exported which we could not write using "igds_type = igds_text". Since this requires to build a complex element with a group of text strings under a text node, we thought we can do it using igds_multi_text type. So, we wrote the following code in VB. 

Dim fmeFeatureObj As FMEOFeature



fmeFeatureObj.geometryType = FME_GEOM_POINT



fmeFeatureObj.attribute("igds_type") = "igds_multi_text"



fmeFeatureObj.attribute("igds_text_elements{0}.igds_text_string") = "Line1"


fmeFeatureObj.attribute("igds_text_elements{1}.igds_text_string") = "Line2"



//{comment: Set other attributes like size, font, rotation, justification for the "igds_text_elements{0}" and "igds_text_elements{1}" list elements.}



When I write this feature to the dgn file using FME writer, I cannot see any multi text displayed in the file when i open it in microstation.



Please suggest how we can assign values to the Attribute list in the multi_text node (ex: "igds_text_elements{0}.igds_text_string") in this case to get the desired output.



I would consider reverse-engineering this: create a test DGN file using MicroStation and insert a multi text attribute on an object.



Then open the DGN using the FME Inspector and see how it is represented by FME.






Thanks for the quick response. That helped me to solve the problem. I missed to set the coordinates for individual text elements. Now I am able to implement that multitext string but i am facing another problem now. I cannot set the index of the attribute lis programatically.



fmeFeatureObj.attribute("igds_text_elements{0}.igds_text_string") = "Line1"



This is working.



Dim count As Long




fmeFeatureObj.attribute("igds_text_elements{count}.igds_text_string") = "Line1"



This is not working.



Please suggest something.

Hi, I am having a similar issue. I would like to create a multi line text in a DGN and I have set the AttributeCreator with the following settings. But instead of the text only a point is appearing in the FME Inspector. I am using FME Desktop 2017.1 32 bit.

I am wondering if I am missing something here, or if the issue is related to a text_node (which I don't really understand)..


Hi, I am having a similar issue. I would like to create a multi line text in a DGN and I have set the AttributeCreator with the following settings. But instead of the text only a point is appearing in the FME Inspector. I am using FME Desktop 2017.1 32 bit.

I am wondering if I am missing something here, or if the issue is related to a text_node (which I don't really understand)..


Note: further discussion on aquamarine's scenario can be followed here:
