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my wb reads an ESRI-SDE Feature-Dataset-->Feature-Class --> table. I want to write this table as a gdb. (ESRI-SDE-Reader and GDB-Writer) But the gdb has the same structure like the source:

GDB-Name--> Feature Class -->table. Is their any Chance to write the gdb with following structure:

GDB-name--> table?

Thanks for help


If you want do skip the feature dataset in your source geodatabase, you need to get rid of the format attribute "geodb_feature_dataset" that is automatically supplied by the reader.

One simple way of doing it is to just set "geodb_feature_dataset" to a blank value using e.g. an AttributeCreator just before the writer.

Alternatively you can expose it on the reader and then use an AttributeRemover.

I agree with @david_r.

Another way of doing this is using the BulkAttributeRemover with the mask geodb*. This will remove all format attributes from the source and will avoid the default settings from the Reader dataset.
