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I'm removing duplicates from a File Geodatabase (FGDB) feature class using Sorter then DuplicateFilter, then writing the Unique features back to the same FGDB feature class.

I want to write the Duplicate features to a CSV log file with the date/time of the translation in the file name so I have a CSV listing the duplicates removed each time the Workspace is run.

First I tried including @Timestamp(^Y^m^d^H^M^S) in the CSV File Name in the Writer but I ended up with multiple CSVs, presumably because features were being written as they were received by the Writer. I haven't noticed this problem with FGDBs but is that because of difference in the way the FGDB Writer works?

I then tried a Creator followed by a TimeStamper running parallel to the actual data processing with the output from the TimeStamper going to the CSV Writer along with the data. But what I get is two CSV files - one with no date/time stamp in the name and all the data, and another with the date/time stamp in the name but no data.

Would "Append to file" in the CSV Writer properties solve this? If so, how can I ensure that the CSV file with the date/time stamp in the name is created first?

I know I could record the date/time against each feature and append to a single log file but I'd prefer the clarity of separate files.


You need to merge the timestamper with the rest of your data, e.g. with a FeatureMerger

I agree with @egomm, but I would highly recommend setting "Suppliers first" to yes to avoid it blocking the data flow and consuming huge amounts of memory if you have a lot of data.

Another way to do it is to use a private Python scripted parameter to give you the timestamp at the start of the translation, e.g.

from datetime import datetime

Useful if you need the same timestamp many places in your workspace and you want to avoid all those FeatureMergers.

You could also use a variable setter and a variable retriever

Yes, there is more than one way. Another approach: once create the destination CSV file with temporary name (e.g. "temp.csv") by a FeatureWriter, and then rename it to the timestamp. i.e. move the file finally.

You need to merge the timestamper with the rest of your data, e.g. with a FeatureMerger

I am having the same issue and tried this solution but the I'm stumped on the join. I can choose _timestamp in supplier but what do I choose to join on Requester? If I choose a unique identifier nothing outputs from the Merged.

I am having the same issue and tried this solution but the I'm stumped on the join. I can choose _timestamp in supplier but what do I choose to join on Requester? If I choose a unique identifier nothing outputs from the Merged.

You need an unconditional join (1 = 1) to get the timestamp on all features.
