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Workbench fails to run on Linux Server

  • 9 March 2013
  • 5 replies



I adopted the example of a Catalog and Repository from:


to build a workbench that reads in files, guesses the format, gets, the bounds and dataset names and writes this metadata to an XML-Template and copies the original files to a definied directory. Works fine on my Computer and on our (windows-based) test server but fails to run on the Linux based Server of our partners.



In order to identify the error, I have created a workbench that just copies the files. This runs well on the Linux server - so it isn't a permission problem. But as soon as I add the XML-templater the workbench will stop with an error on the Linux-based FME Server. Here is what the log says:



 2013-03-09 22:48:52|   0.7|  0.0|INFORM|FME API version of module 'XMLTemplaterFactory' matches current internal version (3.7 20121025) 2013-03-09 22:48:52|   0.7|  0.0|WARN  |XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): The following error occurred near line 1, column 144 of the query: 2013-03-09 22:48:52|   0.7|  0.0|WARN  |XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): "": target namespace not found for schema/module "": Could not create stream resource 2013-03-09 22:48:52|   0.7|  0.0|ERROR |XMLTemplater(XMLTemplaterFactory): An error occurred while parsing the control template 
 2013-03-09 22:48:52| 0.7| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details 



Anyone an idea what this is about? I mean it works on the desktop version (win64) on our eval server version (win) and on linux it just does not work at all.






5 replies

Userlevel 5



this is perhaps a long shot, but it could maybe be the case that the XMLTemplater does something a bit differently in the Linux implementation, necessitating more stringent conformity on the XML schema.



One thing to check would be to take the XML output from the Windows version and to validate it according to your XSD. If you get any errors, I would recommend to try and iron those out before proceeding to debug the Linux output.



Here is a free online XML validator:



Check for both well-formedness and schema validity (they are different).



Good luck!






Hi Dave,


I have a very simple XML structure and didn't bother to create a XSD. It is as simple as this:



<response> <tag1>value1</tag1>


<tag2>value2</tag2> </response>



This all works fine on the desktop version and windows server version. Do you think that defining a XSD could solve the problem? That would be fine for me... 



Still I will first try to update the Linux version of FME Server to a current beta cause Ken Bragg  indicated that they had some issues with the Linux version. He ran an example on their test environments and it worked.



Anyway, thank you very much for your reply.







Userlevel 5
Hi Lutz,



(your first name isn't Dale, I take it? ;-)



Good to hear that Ken found a solution. I would still make a point of properly validating the output though. If you have no XSD you should still check the well-formedness to ensure that the result is valid across systems.



Userlevel 5
Badge +36


Glad to hear Ken helped you out. The developer also pinged me to say that this was a known problem with FME2013 and that it's been fixed for FME2013-SP1. So when that is released (hopefully in a week or two) you can upgrade and it will be solved.



Alternatively the SP1 beta is available now at:






Hi David and Mark,


David, sorry for misspelling your name - the one who can read is in advantage :-) 



Thanks for your feedback. We will go with SP1 once it is out.



