I'm a bit new to FME so pardon me if the question is basic:
I use FME Workbench 2018.1.
I have a PostGIS table with 1035 polygon features which needs to be updated (Table A). The update source is a WFS layer with 27 polygon features, among which 26 are updated features and 1 new feature to be added to Table A.
The workflow is as follows:
1. Since the WFS has a different schema to Table A, I use AttributeManager to make the WFS attribute table consistent with Table A.
2. I use Tester to filter out the 1009 features that don't need to be updated.
3. I write the filtered 1009 features and the 27 updated/new features from WFS to Table A, hoping to get an updated layer with 1036 features. I have the following feature type settings:
-Table A has a column 'gdb_geomattr_data' which seems to store geometry, so I set the Spatial Column of the writer as 'gdb_geomattr_data'
-Table definition set to 'Automatic'
-Create Generic Spatial Columns: No
-Bulk Insert: No
-Table name: Table A
-Geometry: postgis_geometry
-Feature Operation: Insert
-Table Handling: Drop and Create
Unfortunately, although the translation succeeded and looks all good in Inspector, when I tried to load the layer in ArcGIS, an error popped up: 'Error opening feature class. The field is not nullable.'
Anyone know what that means and where went wrong?
Thanks a million.