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I've been trying to put together a workbench to take features from a WFS and populate them to an SDE. Initially, the workspace seemed to generate without error. However various XML errors (covered in other questions) meant I changed the parameters to 'Ignore Application Schema' and use 'GML Feature Elements = ##any'. This seems to have worked for some imports. However now I am encountering further errors which seem to centre around issues with the schema.

  • Trying to run operations on various other feature layers gives the error <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode=">
  • I am unable to repeat the operation of adding the same WFS reader to a new workspace with the same parameters previously used
  • If I change the parameters to Ignore Application Schema as mentioned above, I lose the order of my feature attributes, and the reader also fails to map any empty columns
  • So I'd like to avoid ignoring the application schema if possible as this seems a workaround which limits functionality

So I followed the steps outlined in this document:

The GetCapabilities document loads without issue, however the DescribeFeatureType and GetFeature url's are both the same: `' and tell me I need to supply a service request. If I try ticking "Prefer Dataset URL" then both are given as `[NOTE: KEY DELETED AS DATASET IS PRIVATE]' which gives the same message.

Note I am running this through the data interoperability extension from ArcGIS Pro which appears to overwrite the schema document?

Any ideas or comments would be appreciated!

Hi @r.houg 


Using the URL `' 


I get the same error it is possible that your WFS Service requires authentication If that is the case you can add Authentication and try again.  
> I am unable to repeat the operation of adding the same WFS reader to a new workspace with the same parameters previously usedCan you confirm if FeatureService is properly configured?

This would most likely mean that there is a backend issue, either the Database hosting the features Error out or being DISABLED

I was able to access the service using GetCapabilities URL as below

but get errors as you have mentioned, Upon further investigation, it appears that there is no FeatureType present on the WFS service. 



Can you check logs (with Verbose) on your GeoServer startup? 


Its possible to get some additional information from the log to help resolve but currently, there appears to be an EMPTY Feature Service List
