I've been trying to put together a workbench to take features from a WFS and populate them to an SDE. Initially, the workspace seemed to generate without error. However various XML errors (covered in other questions) meant I changed the parameters to 'Ignore Application Schema' and use 'GML Feature Elements = ##any'. This seems to have worked for some imports. However now I am encountering further errors which seem to centre around issues with the schema.
- Trying to run operations on various other feature layers gives the error <ows:Exception exceptionCode="NoApplicableCode=">
- I am unable to repeat the operation of adding the same WFS reader to a new workspace with the same parameters previously used
- If I change the parameters to Ignore Application Schema as mentioned above, I lose the order of my feature attributes, and the reader also fails to map any empty columns
- So I'd like to avoid ignoring the application schema if possible as this seems a workaround which limits functionality
So I followed the steps outlined in this document: https://knowledge.safe.com/articles/19452/troubleshooting-wfs-errors.html
The GetCapabilities document loads without issue, however the DescribeFeatureType and GetFeature url's are both the same: `https://gis-proxy-alpha.ramm.com/Default.aspx/wfs' and tell me I need to supply a service request. If I try ticking "Prefer Dataset URL" then both are given as `https://apps.ramm.co.nz:443/GIS/wfs?key=[NOTE: KEY DELETED AS DATASET IS PRIVATE]' which gives the same message.
Note I am running this through the data interoperability extension from ArcGIS Pro which appears to overwrite the schema document?
Any ideas or comments would be appreciated!