Do you need to delete every <gml:featureMember> element whose descendant element <TKGM:durum> has a value other than 3?
Hallo @ssisman06,
Something like this should work:
In the filter settings of the WFS reader, but that depends if the service supports it, check the get capabilities to make sure.
Hope this helps.
h? @itay ,
Thanks for the help. I have some things to solve. my wfs service gives a maximum of 1000 results per query. i need to download big data.
divided my work area. ( 16000 grid)
My WorkBench =>
this is working correctly.
then I want to use xml filter.
I want to get values that are only 3 .
the two do not work together.
xml filter actually works correctly.
How can I use two queries together . I need to apply both the spatial filter and the xml filter.
Is there any idea?
Thank you.
h? @itay ,
Thanks for the help. I have some things to solve. my wfs service gives a maximum of 1000 results per query. i need to download big data.
divided my work area. ( 16000 grid)
My WorkBench =>
this is working correctly.
then I want to use xml filter.
I want to get values that are only 3 .
the two do not work together.
xml filter actually works correctly.
How can I use two queries together . I need to apply both the spatial filter and the xml filter.
Is there any idea?
Thank you.
If you need to download a big area with over a 1000 results why not use a tiler to cut your area into smaller pieces? That always works for me when downloading from WFS. You only might need to remove duplicates with a duplicatefilter afterwards.
Hi @ssisman06,
Not sure if you already found a proper solution to your problem. I seems to me that there are two items you liked answered:
- Is there a work around for the WFS limitation of querying 1000 features at a time?
- Can two queries be combined?
A useful link to both items can be found from the question:
As is discussed there, if the WFS has support for version 2.0.0 you might be able to use WFS paging. You can check this from a 'GetCapabilities' request, i.e.:
Unfortunately I noticed that the WFS requires a login, so I can't do this for you. Anyway, you should check for some XML fragment similar to the following:
When supported by the WFS server, within the WFS parameters you can set the 'Start Index' to 0 and the 'Count' to 1000 to 'stack' feature requests per 1000.
Yes, it might be possible to combine both an attribute query and a spatial query. This depends on the XML filter expressions that are supported by the WFS server (again check the 'GetCapabilities' of the WFS server). The following XML filter combines a bounding box and an attribute query. Of cource the coordinates still need to be changed to suit your specific demands.
<Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
<lowerCorner>10 30</lowerCorner>
<upperCorner>35 45</upperCorner>
Hope this can be of any help.
Hi @ssisman06,
Not sure if you already found a proper solution to your problem. I seems to me that there are two items you liked answered:
- Is there a work around for the WFS limitation of querying 1000 features at a time?
- Can two queries be combined?
A useful link to both items can be found from the question:
As is discussed there, if the WFS has support for version 2.0.0 you might be able to use WFS paging. You can check this from a 'GetCapabilities' request, i.e.:
Unfortunately I noticed that the WFS requires a login, so I can't do this for you. Anyway, you should check for some XML fragment similar to the following:
When supported by the WFS server, within the WFS parameters you can set the 'Start Index' to 0 and the 'Count' to 1000 to 'stack' feature requests per 1000.
Yes, it might be possible to combine both an attribute query and a spatial query. This depends on the XML filter expressions that are supported by the WFS server (again check the 'GetCapabilities' of the WFS server). The following XML filter combines a bounding box and an attribute query. Of cource the coordinates still need to be changed to suit your specific demands.
<Envelope srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
<lowerCorner>10 30</lowerCorner>
<upperCorner>35 45</upperCorner>
Hope this can be of any help.
h? @thijsknapen ;
thank you, I solved the problem
<gml:coordinates>@Value(_indices{0}.x),@Value(_indices{0}.y) @Value(_indices{1}.x),@Value(_indices{1}.y) @Value(_indices{2}.x),@Value(_indices{2}.y) @Value(_indices{3}.x),@Value(_indices{3}.y) @Value(_indices{4}.x),@Value(_indices{4}.y)</gml:coordinates>