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Im frequently receiving this warning that forces me to delete postgres or postgis readers and add the readers again. There are cases that forces me to always keep the workspace open otherwise i will need to re-ad readers and set again exposed params. Anyone else noticing similar thing with PG readers ?



Hi Jorge (@jorge_vidinha)

I searched for this error message and found a support case with the same error. In that case the support person said:

The behaviour that you are describing here sounds like it matches an
issue that has been affecting some of the database readers inside FME.
The problem is present in FME 2015 builds 15488 - 15482 and can be
difficult to reproduce as it only happens under a specific set of
circumstances. This problem was fixed for FME 2015.1.0.3 (build 15483
and higher). So any workspace opened with that newer version should fix
itself and start working again

I think that might be a typo in there, and it should be 15478 - 15482. Anyway, could that be the problem? The error message and behaviour is exactly the same. If so updating to a newer FME will probably resolve the issue.

Hope this helps



Mark Ireland

Product Evangelist

Safe Software Inc.

Thanks Mark - So i am within the range of bugged versions since im using 15400 and 15482 that is and been bugged by this for long time . Hopefully 2016 updates will come in soon at our sites.

Will keep you posted.


