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I have an application storing PDF's that are uploaded to it in a varbinary field, I would like to reverse this process with FME and extract that data and write the PDF out. So far I haven't been able to get that to work. Any suggestions?

Have you tried the AttributeFileWriter?

Be sure to set the target file encoding to "Binary (fme-binary)"

@david_r just for clarification it is an image stored in the binary field and want to write that image out to the case that confused anyone.

So I can at least read the binary field and fme recognizes it now, but when I get to the PDF portion it comes out blank.

So I can at least read the binary field and fme recognizes it now, but when I get to the PDF portion it comes out blank.

What does the binary field look like in FME if you send your record to the Data Inspector? Is it empty, or does it contain anything, and if so, how much?

So I can at least read the binary field and fme recognizes it now, but when I get to the PDF portion it comes out blank.

504B0304140008000800446F29420000000000000000000000000D0000004A here is the start...1,546,446 characters in the field



504B0304140008000800446F29420000000000000000000000000D0000004A here is the start...1,546,446 characters in the field



That's a great start, at least. Can you describe in more detail where the problem occurs? Does the binary field arrive intact to the AttributeFileWriter? How is the transformer configured? What's the size of the output file?
That's a great start, at least. Can you describe in more detail where the problem occurs? Does the binary field arrive intact to the AttributeFileWriter? How is the transformer configured? What's the size of the output file?
Basically I can write it to a file, jpeg, txt, but I can't take it and actually create an image with it that is viewable (or rather haven't figured out how to do that yet)


