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I have a text file extracted from an Oracle Spatial Object containing an ID field and ST_GEOMETRY with a pipe delimiter between the fields. I would like to create a polygon shapefile from it using PointConnector, or any other transformer. PointConnector does not recognize the ST_GEOMETRY field.

Could you restructure the geometry attribute to something like this ( POLYGON ((30 10, 40 40, 20 40, 10 20, 30 10)) ) using the StringReplacer and feed that to the GeometryReplacer usng the WKT encoding?

I've done it before but it's not straightforward. When I've had to do this it involves extracting the coordinates from the string and sending them into a vertex creator before using the point connector Donut geometries and other more complex shapes also need special treatment.

Could you post a line from your file here so we can see exactly what it looks like? The most important bit is the geometry, of course.

Yes, either an AttributeSplitter/VertexCreator combo or try to restructure it in a form (like WKT) that FME can decipher. Alternatively (a long shot) try reading the file with the CSV reader using a pipe delimiter? Not sure how far that would get you but I throw it out as a suggestion.
