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Does anybody know if it is possible to trigger a SQL Server SSIS package from an FME workspace?

I have FME Professional Edition but not the version that can write directly into Microsoft SQL databases so I was hoping that a workaround might be to carry out the required transformations using FME, output the results to a file and then have SSIS pick up the file and import it into the database. It's a long way round but I haven't got a hope of getting budget approval for and upgraded version of FME (that would make life far too easy!)

I'm not a python programmer but was thinking that maybe the Shutdown Python Script might be of help here?

Many thanks

It looks like you can use FME Cloud for this, while not free if your need is short term it will not cost much:

It looks like you can use FME Cloud for this, while not free if your need is short term it will not cost much:

Thanks Bruce, unfortunately this isn't a one-off exercise so I will want to carry out this operation (and probably others) on a daily basis. I would love to upgrade my copy of FME Desktop (or even better upgrade to Server or Cloud) but budgets are non existent at the moment, although I'm going to continue to try using the argument that automating these processes will actually save us money.
