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Hello experts,

My question is simple.

when using the Directory and File Pathnames to access a directory, can I then read files from that directory?
I would like to be able to view and query the data in those 1042 filepaths passing the testfilter.

see my current workbench:

any help would be much appreciated,

thank you.


Not sure why this would not work, this is how I do it all the time. Feed the path_windows attribute into the featurereders dataset field and you are good to go.

This is a dynamic workflow, the FeatureReader will not know the schema before you run it, so your features will leave the generic outputport and you’ll need to expose the attributes using an AttributeExposer.

Agreeing with @nielsgerrits, I also use this method frequently. Adding that if the schema is the same for the files, sometimes I will add the featuretype as an output port. Otherwise if using the generic port, like @nielsgerrits said you will need to expose the attributes. Either with an AttributeExposer or by setting it up in the Attribute and Geometry Handling <Generic> Port section of the FeatureReader’s parameters.

Thank you @nielsgerrits. I was missing the attributeexposer. That worked for me.


