FME 2017.0 reading CSV data including dates in the format 2009-04-23 with no quotes around them.
I'd like to write this straight to an SQL Server 2012 table so I've connected the Reader straight to the Writer. However it won't write the date values from the CSV into the SQL Server table as a date field.
So I thought I'd take advantage of the new DateTime functions to save having to stick a DateFormatter in the middle. So I've been trying things like @DateTimeFormat(@Value(col4),%Y%m%d) and @DateTimeFormat(@Value(col4),%Y"-"%m"-"%d) in the Value column under User Attributes in the Writer properties. But I can't seem to find anything that works. I've tried @DateTimeParse, @DateTimeCast, @DateTimeFormat but the Translation Log keeps throwing up warnings e.g. 'Failed to evaluate expression '@DateTimeParse(2008-02-29,%Y%m%d,repair)'. Result is set to null.'
Is this actually possible or do I need to go back to using the DateFormatter?
I want to output the date values as this data type: