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I am trying to use the Google Drive Connector to download files from a Shared Drive. But when I click on the Google Drive Source in the transformer all I see is the folders and files which are in My Drive. It doesn't show shared drives which I have created as well as drives someone has shared with me.

I'm just wondering if this is a bug and if anyone else has the same issue?

Many thanks.

Hi @jameskeys​ ,

I'm pleased to let you know that FME 2021.0 betas now support accessing Shared Drives with the GoogleDriveConnector.

You can try out the beta here:


Hi @jameskeys​, 

I also ran in to this issue but I found a work around that works in my situation since I am forced to use fme 2019.2.

I was trying to read files that some one else is updating weekly and he shared them in a google drive folder with me but becouse it was a shared folder I was unable to connect to it. When I created a subfolder in the shared map (this requires to have editor rights in google drive) I was able to connect to this folder with the google drive connector by folder id. I had to request that this folder would be used in the future for placing the update files.

@andreaatsafe​  Happy to hear that this will be implemented in the 2021.0 version.
