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While translating from File Geodatabase to DGN format i am unable to get the attributes in DGN file...

Help me to get the attributes in DGN file writer?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @dheeraj

how would you like your attributes to be stored in your DGN? Will they be stored as tags, as text elements (annotations), or as XFM data?

If you want to set the text as Annotations you would need to:

1. Use the labelPointReplacer to set the location of your text on the drawing/Map

2. Expose the igds_text_string format attribute in the Writer (or any other format attributes you would like to change with regards to the text properties). The igds_text_string will be containing your text. Other text proeprties such as font. size, rotation can also be set using the same method.

I hope this helps.



Hi @dheeraj

how would you like your attributes to be stored in your DGN? Will they be stored as tags, as text elements (annotations), or as XFM data?



Tags only i guess. But while inspecting data in FME Data Inspector i am unable to see any attributes in table below.


