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Hi all,




I would like to building facade texturing from images.I've WallSurfaces and RoofSurfaces.But each WallSurfaces has own image jpeg file.And there are so many surfaces and images (~ 2000 maybe much more) .So how can i match between the surfaces and images?.How can i follow the right path? Could you help with this case?




Thanks and Regards








You can use the AppearanceSetter in groupby mode.







You can use the AppearanceSetter in groupby mode.



I used AppearanceSetter in groupby mode.I generated unique _uuid for every surfaces.And also i generated own image's name to same _uuid which is generated surface id.So I used groupby _uuid, but i've got failure.


If you have the GroupBy value correctly set-up it should work.

Remember the attribute_name must be the same on the images as well as on the surfaces.

So you have to have surface id included in the image names.

The GroupBy attribute has to have the same name on both.

So extract id from image name and set to attribute.




(See green annotions.)ApperanceSetting_GB.fmw


first 6 images in my image folder are mapped.


If you have the GroupBy value correctly set-up it should work.

Remember the attribute_name must be the same on the images as well as on the surfaces.

So you have to have surface id included in the image names.

The GroupBy attribute has to have the same name on both.

So extract id from image name and set to attribute.




(See green annotions.)ApperanceSetting_GB.fmw

Thanks for your considering @gio . I did handle with _uuid.I changed fme_basename to _uuid with AttributeRenamer.Then, images and surfaces matched with AppearanceSetter using groupby _uuid.
