[Software FME Workbench 2021.2.3]
Trying to generate an Esri Shapefile Polygon output of areas with data merged from multiple datasets to the Area dataset.
The addition of Location Names (at least one per area) seems to be throwing up an issue.
After doing the steps below the Transformer Views and Shapefile Symbology changes and goes a bit weird, and I’m not exactly sure how to sort it.
Below polygon symbology is one area, but there are probably 30% of 1000 Polygons that have similar symbology issues.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - Many thanks.
Step One:
Feature Merger
Requestor: Area Dataset
Supplier: Location Name Dataset
Merge on AreaID
Generate List:
List Name: _list
Add to List: Selected Attributes
Selected Attributes: Location_Name
Step Two:
List Exploder
List Attribute: _list
Accumulation Mode: Merge List Attributes
Conflict Resolution: Use List Attribute Values
Step Three:
Aggregator to update the Location_Name to have multiple names, where applicable, e.g. City A, Town B, Village B added to each AreaID.
Step Four:
Attribute Manager to tidy the dataset for output, get rid of redundant fields.
Step Five:
Output to ESRI Shapefile load in to ArcGIS Pro
Even with Symbology set to Single Symbol:
Or Unique Values based on AreaID: