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I have a SQL Executor calling a stored procedure.  I am running FME Form FME(R) 2023.2.1.0 (20240104 - Build 23774 - WIN64) and am getting this issue:

Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial Reader: Failed to connect using Microsoft OLE DB Driver 19 for SQL Server. Provider error '(-2146824582) Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.'

The transformer is not failing, but its not producing a result either. Not sure how to move forward with this one. Any thoughts?


@gboquin, Did you get this resolved?


By chance has a newer driver or OLE DB been installed? Could you share what version you have installed?  You should be able to run with SQL Server OLE DB 19.3… and perhaps you have an older version?

Can you test the SQL Server JDBC format in the SQLExecuter?

@steveatsafe ,

 All is good here, thanks for the follow up. After further review we it was determined that the order of the execution of the procedures was affecting the results. Adjustments were made and data is flowing.

Have a great day!
